Personal Story
I always knew I was going to be a lawyer. That’s a strange thing, because none of my family practiced law, none of my friends’ parents were lawyers, and I honestly can’t remember watching a single TV show or movie and saying to myself, “That’s going to be me one day.” But I became a lawyer just the same.
As a lawyer, I’ve found there are challenges to this profession — just like any other. Large insurance companies seem to deny more claims, offer less for the claims they will settle, and delay any decision they make much longer than ever before. By the time we start working for clients they’ve often heard “no” so many times, they just want to quit.
One of my favorite things about practicing law is taking a client’s case and working to make the right thing happen. Taking someone who’s heard “No, No, No,” over and over again – and finally being able to tell them, “Yes — Yes, you will get those bills paid. Yes, you will get what’s right. Yes, you will see justice.” That’s what keeps me coming back to work, day after day. Winning for my clients. Seeing that justice is done.