Alabama Attorneys

Jon Lewis

Jon Lewis

My father was a lawyer. He practiced personal injury law in Birmingham for over 50 years. He had a good practice, a solid reputation and many friends both inside and outside of the profession. In short, he was great at what he did. When I was younger, I wasn’t sure I wanted to follow in his footsteps.

Jon Lewis

My father was a lawyer. He practiced personal injury law in Birmingham for over 50 years. He had a good practice, a solid reputation and many friends both inside and outside of the profession. In short, he was great at what he did. When I was younger, I wasn’t sure I wanted to follow in his footsteps.


Danny Feldman

I always knew I was going to be a lawyer. That’s a strange thing, because none of my family practiced law, none of my friends’ parents were lawyers, and I honestly can’t remember watching a single TV show or movie and saying to myself, “That’s going to be me one day.” But I became a lawyer just the same.

Danny Feldman

I always knew I was going to be a lawyer. That’s a strange thing, because none of my family practiced law, none of my friends’ parents were lawyers, and I honestly can’t remember watching a single TV show or movie and saying to myself, “That’s going to be me one day.” But I became a lawyer just the same.